Our Services

Work With Me

You Can Expect


If you are ready to heal and can’t seem to find the right answers, click here and let me know how I can help you.


The secret to a healthy life needs to get out. Click here to see where I am spreading the word.


Elixirs to health are many. Click here for a collection of some of mine.

A Fresh Approach To Health & Life

1:1 Consultation

What You Get..

Weekly sessions and daily follow-ups where we uncover the habits & thoughts in the way of a healthy relationship with food & your body

Group Coaching

Family and corporate groups

You’re ready to have an impact on the health of people around you through bi-weekly group coaching sessions.

WILDFIT 90 Day Challenge

Perfect for you if..

You want food freedom and a healthily transformed lifestyle during a simple + fun 90 day online challenge.

Top 10 Reasons To Join Me

You Want To Change Your Life
  • Most participants lose 4-5 lbs in the first 5 days, and 5-15 lbs total after 30 days.
  • Learn to control cravings, hunger and mood swings by balancing your blood sugar.
  • Achieve a more healthy, clear & glowing complexion from detoxing and proper nutrition.
  • Increase your energy and focus during the day. Concentration saves your time and money.
  • Have more restful sleep during the night. Good nap means good energy for tomorrow.
  • Understand healthy eating, proper nutrition, and what supplements you should be taking.
  • Save money on your grocery bill with our healthy, delicious smoothies and bars.
  • Be more productive in your home life, work and business by building confidence and maintaining focus.
  • Learn the myths and truths about wellness in about 2 hours per week over the 30-day nutrition challenge.
  • Connect with other like-minded men and women participating in the Nutrition Challenge who want you to be successful.

Change your health in one day!

Learn 5 small but life changing daily habits that will have an immediate
positive impact on your health!