At the beginning of 2021, I set a wholehearted intention. I implored for change and transformation from myself. A thought started chiming repeatedly in my mind- “Something’s got to change this year!” It was as if my mind and body unequivocally had decided that enough was enough.

I wanted to start living my life with purpose and true expression. I wanted to revive all those parts of me that I had lost along the way. I felt like I was ready as ever for some change.

What ensued since has been an inspiring journey of self growth and self discovery. By honoring some and replacing some core beliefs, I was able to transform my health, body and mind in just a short 6 month period.

Now! Isn’t that a stupendous achievement for someone who felt stuck and frustrated with health for the past 10 years?

The beautiful thing about transformative journeys is that every phase of the journey unravels a newer dimension of you and offers the opportunity to shift your energies. As I continue on this journey, with ceaseless charge and vigour, I see with clarity, the goals I wish to accomplish.

Goals for Self-

  •  Reach my ideal body type (not ideal body weight) by getting my nutritional requirement levels to optimal, from the already improved sufficient levels.
  •  Learn to heal myself and others with food by getting certified in nutrition and health coaching.
  •  Have boundless physical and mental energy by balancing exercise, food and rest.

Goals for You-

  • Share my journey from not knowing how to eat for nutrition, to experiencing the joys and impact of making the right food decisions.
  • Educate you to question what you have unconsciously learnt about health and eating, through media and society.
  • Empower you to rely on your internal wisdom to guide your health.
  • Teach you life transforming tools to help support your continued success, long after the completion of any program with me.

As I set forth a vision for guiding you towards your goals, I hope not to drop the impression of being an “Expert” in front of you. The word “Expert” is measured against the skill of an individual, without recounting if the service being provided is inimical and detrimental to the health of Society or not.

I would rather want to be seen as a friend and guide, one who you see sharing your journey with all it’s rise and falls. I want to help you create resilience for yourself using the tools I will teach. As the one who inspired me, the Founder of WILDFIT, Eric Edmeads, shares this African Proverb-

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.”

Please join my walk, if you are inspired to allow for some new knowledge to transform you into creating better health and future for yourself.


  • Cindy Jefferson

    What an amazing idea to build a site for inspirational stories and sharing life coaching experience! Well done

    • John Snow

      I’ve been looking for this for a very long time. I Finally Found It!

  • Jessica Brown

    Agreed. What a great subject for discussion. I think there might be a lot more to say.

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